Top 10 Tips To Stay Young And Slow Down The Aging Process.

Aisha varind
8 min readJan 5, 2022


The secret of staying young has been searched for a long time. Numerous experimenters have done some tests to find ways to decelerate down the aging process.

You can achieve everything in your life by concentrating on the root cause of it, the same as staying youngish needs to find out the root cause of aging.

Some ways have been applied, but the most important thing for us to do is be harmonious in enforcing a healthy life and eating habits. We can’t stop the natural change, it'll keep going according to universal law "Life has been kept going" so, what can we do about it?

We can still look young if we want to work hard to slow down the aging process. Being older does not matter as much as the thing which matters is how you look. People will never ask your age in the first meeting but they will assume your age according to your looks.

"Don't let aging get you down. It's too hard to get back up"

_John Wagner

Thus, I’m going to help you with 10 easy ways to make you look youngish.

Table Of Content

1) Eating Healthy and Safe Food.

2) It Is Important To Start Detoxification.

3) Sleep At Least 6-8 Hours A Day.

4) Keep Exercising In Your Daily Routine.

5) A Relaxed Person Looks Youngish Than An Upset Person.

6) A Positive Mind Has An Ability To Deal With An Undesirable Situation.

7) Routine Medical Check-Up.

8) Always Try To Be Active.

9) Maintain Your Social Life.

10) Life Is Not Perfect But Your Outfit Can Be.

1. Eating Healthy and Safe Food.

Eating healthy and safe food every day will make our body fit, slim, and also look youngish. The food you consume on a day-to-day basis directly affects your aging process.

Healthy food helps to maintain your fitness and keep your immune system stronger to fight unwarranted conditions. Try to eat fresh fish rather than red meat.

Fiber food, vegetables, fruits, and supplements are important foods to consume. Drink less coffee and other caffeine drinks. Using caffeine drinks may slow down your activeness.

2. It Is Important To Start Detoxification.

It’s important to start detoxification, getting relief from toxins from our bodies. Our body metabolism has done that process, but in everyday life, we're exposed to so numerous chemical hazards from air, food, and the climate. Fasting or just consuming fruits and vegetables are ways to detoxify our bodies.

You can cleanse your body daily with these diet supplements and life practices:

a. Eat plenty of fiber, including brown rice and organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables. Beets, radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, spirulina, chlorella, and seaweed are excellent detoxifying foods.

b. Cleanse and safeguard the liver by taking herbs similar to dandelion root, burdock, and milk thistle, and drinking green tea.

c. Take vitamin C, which helps the body produce glutathione, a liver emulsion that drives down toxins.

d. Drink at least two quarts of water a day, made easy by bringing our 32 oz. Stainless Steel Wide Mouth Water Bottle with you everywhere you go!

e. Breathe deeply to allow oxygen to circulate further fully through your system.

3. Sleep At Least 6-8 Hours A Day.

Having enough sleep at least 6-8 hours a day will make our skin healthier. Having a good sleep is also important because growth hormone is working during that time. It renews the old cells of our body, including the skin cell.

Our skin will look fresh and youthful if we've enough sleep. And present youth deny this fact and stay awake the whole night and insomniac. This habit of staying awake at night will affect them in the future.

4. Keep Exercising In Your Daily Routine.

Through routine exercise, we will feel happier, energetic, and confident. It also increases our bone viscosity and muscle which can make our body look 15-20 times youngish. Besides aerobic, walking, and swimming, I also go to the spa to do lifting exercises.

Exercise keeps you active and young. A person who has a habit of exercising will never need anyone's shoulder to lay down in his 90's.

“If you want to do it, you do it. There are no excuses.”

—Bruce Naumachia

5. A Relaxed Person Looks Youngish Than A Upset Person.

By trying to be relaxed, our faces will look youngish. Stress and worries appear on our faces. However, our faces will look youngish and glamorous, If we can manage our stress and feel at peace. Most people are uninformed of this information, and staying upset and stressed may effortlessly affect their youngness.

The habit of worrying about little effects creates wrinkles on the face of the people and they look 40 at the age of 25. A relaxed person looks more youngish than an upset person.

6. A Positive Mind Has An Capability To Deal With An Undesirable Situation.

A positive mind and positive thinking can bring positive life to us. Negative studies tend to bring failure and make us look aged and monstrous. A positive person can deal with undesirable situations easily and effortlessly reach the right decision.

But a person with a negative mind will just make the situation messier and get nothing but a new illness in his body. You can try contemplation which is the one way to make positive reflections.

7. Routine Medical Check-Up.

Medical Check-up – Just like a machine, our body also needs attention and care so it can work well every day. So why not notice that our body also needs attention. Indeed occasionally we just do not know that we're growing some kind of illness in our body until it gets worse.

Having routine medical examinations during our healthy time is important to critical conditions as soon as possible.

8. Always Try To Be Active.

Always try to be active. A person who has an active mind remains youngish because his activeness does not allow him to keep anything on by by-and-by. He believes to do it now a proposition.

Laziness is one of the unnoticed reasons for premature aging. Activities can increase health; and if you're in your elder age, your memory will increase too.

The premature aging process is based on the laziness of a person. An active person has a good immune system because his mind has a habit of staying active and doesn't have a space for illness.

9. Maintain Your Social Life.

Happy social life can increase our spirit, bring a peaceful mind, and make us feel and look young. You just can not live a happy life by cutting yourself off from the appearance of others in your life. I'm not talking about nosing with other people in your particular life but staying in touch or participating in your happiness with your family and friends.

Communication with our friends, family, neighbors, associates, and others can bring happiness to us.

10. Life Is Not Perfect But Your Outfit Can Be.

Start to look at our performance. Is our body weight ideal for us? If not, try to fix that to the smart ideal weight. Also look at the skin, hair, nail, and teeth. Our looks speak before us and the other person will always judge your age through your looks. Those are important as they will show our age. Life is not perfect but your outfit can be. Then, Forget the rule if you like it, wear it!

Looks good and feels good will increase our performance. Looking good and stylish is an amazing quality and an appreciable habit. People are attracted to good-looking people more easily as compared to messy people.

Aging is the natural thing we just can't stop, but all we can do is maintain our health and wellness. Additional advice: learn to Live fully, every second of your life is a blessing. Don't waste it. Spending life or living your life fully, is a different thing. We all have only one life So, Why not live it voluntarily?

We all have only one chance, Once a person has died everything comes to end. So why not get 101% from our lives?

All you have to do is, First analyze your daily routine. And count the hours you spend with yourself and for yourself. Count the moments which you spend to give care to yourself. Count the hours which you spend just to do what you love to do.

It’s totally fine to love yourself and give yourself a priority. If you are spending the non-stop 23rd hour of your day caring for others and earning money for your loved ones. Then why not you can spend only an hour on yourself? Is it not legally your right? Yes, it is.

Then what are you waiting for? Start doing what you want to do in this hour, do what gives you true happiness, & what your heart wants to do. And believe me, this is not a sin but your right. Being a self-lover and doing what you love is not selfishness. Accept it, Your Happiness and Your Life Really Matters.

Thank You For Reading:)

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Aisha varind

An introvert lost in thought. Thoughts are always meaningful. A writer who love to help you create deeper fulfillment & Peace.