Are you afraid of being alone?

Aisha varind
4 min readApr 18, 2023

If Yes, then don't worry about it. Ninety out of a hundred people have that fear of being alone. And they consider this fear to be the greatest fear of their lives. Everyone has his own opinion and reason behind this fear. May they have been facing this fear since their childhood. May they have had this fear after getting defeated by someone very special in their lives. May the lack of money make them realize that poverty will make them alone.

Fear of loneliness exists and an individual has his reason behind that fear.

But some people don’t even know that fear is the cause of their anxiety and depression. Which is making a stronger place inside them. You never know when the fear of "being alone" will slowly take root inside you. And then you start to change yourself because of this fear, even without thinking about whether that change is positive for you or not? Or is it just a way to avoid that fear? The fear of loneliness is not to be avoided, but to be eradicated forever.

All of those people who have fear of being alone often become the "people pleaser". And this is not the good sign for them. They become "people pleaser" just because they don’t want to be alone so, they start focusing on other’s happiness instead of their own and in this way they forget about their actual worth. And they start to please everyone in their families and social circle.

Often all of us face a phase of loneliness in our lives. But this does not mean that we should change ourselves and start living for others.

And I must say being alone is not as bad as we think.

Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free.
Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.

_Dr Roopleen

Fear of anything not only of loneliness, if you will not overcome it earlier then it will become a Trauma.

After all, it is only the fear of loneliness and why should we let this fear enter our mind?

We will never know how this fear is slowly building up inside of us. We don’t even know when we will be slaves to this fear. Yes, I say that this fear makes us its slave and makes us do what it wants because we are afraid of being alone and we don’t want to face this fear, so we spend our whole life trying to please others and They spend their time trying to make a place in their hearts.

And let me tell you that this is also a bitter truth that we will be alone in the end. Because nobody can love you more than "YOU" .

If you’re going to trust one person, let it be yourself.
– Robert Tew

So why don’t we start loving ourselves instead of always needing the love and attention of others. Once we learn to love ourselves and try to be happy with ourselves. We don’t have to be dependent on others.

Have you ever thought about this, what that fear has done to us in our existence?

Let's check it out,

Well, now just calculate how much work you are doing in a day for your heart and how much you are doing to please others. Here you will discover what the fear of being alone has done to you!

You are spending your entire life just trying to please someone else, just because you want them to not leave you alone.
Isn’t this being unfair to you?
There is only one answer to all questions, and that is, once.. only once will you face this fear! Then you are free from this fear!!
The day you dare and face that fear, I won’t be wrong to say that your life will be a good heaven! And then you’ll find the life you’ve been living for your own happiness!



Aisha varind

An introvert lost in thought. Thoughts are always meaningful. A writer who love to help you create deeper fulfillment & Peace.